Migration to v4.x

Migration Guide to v4.x

This guide will help you migrate your application from react-native-reanimated-carousel v3.x to v4.x.

Version Requirements

Before upgrading, ensure your project meets these version requirements:

  "react": ">=18.0.0",
  "react-native": ">=0.70.3",
  "react-native-gesture-handler": ">=2.9.0",
  "react-native-reanimated": ">=3.0.0"

Breaking Changes

1. Gesture Handler Configuration

The panGestureHandlerProps has been replaced with onConfigurePanGesture:

// Before (v3.x)
    activeOffsetX: [-10, 10],
// After (v4.x)
  onConfigurePanGesture={(gesture) => {
    gesture.activeOffsetX([-10, 10]);

2. Event Name Changes

  • onScrollBegin has been renamed to onScrollStart
// Before (v3.x)
<Carousel onScrollBegin={() => console.log('Started scrolling')} />
// After (v4.x)
<Carousel onScrollStart={() => console.log('Started scrolling')} />

3. Animation API Updates

The customAnimation function now receives the item index as a second parameter:

// Before (v3.x)
  customAnimation={(value) => ({
    opacity: value
// After (v4.x)
  customAnimation={(value, index) => ({
    opacity: value,
    transform: [{ 
      scale: index % 2 ? 1 : 1.1 

4. Event Handler Worklets

All gesture callbacks now run as worklets by default:

// Before (v3.x)
  onGestureStart={runOnJS(() => {
    console.log('Gesture started');
// After (v4.x)
  onGestureStart={() => {
    console.log('Gesture started');

New Features

1. Container Styling

A dedicated containerStyle prop has been added for styling the carousel container:

    backgroundColor: 'white',
    borderRadius: 8,

2. Minimum Scroll Distance

New minScrollDistancePerSwipe prop to prevent unintended item switches:


3. Fixed Direction Scrolling

Control scroll direction with the new fixedDirection prop:

  fixedDirection="positive"  // or "negative"

4. Progress Change Handling

The onProgressChange now supports direct SharedValue updates:

// Before (v3.x)
const progress = useSharedValue(0);
  onProgressChange={(offsetProgress, absoluteProgress) => {
    progress.value = absoluteProgress;
// After (v4.x)
const progress = useSharedValue(0);

5. Enhanced Pagination Components

New Pagination components with improved customization:

// Basic Pagination
  dotStyle={{ backgroundColor: "#262626" }}
  activeDotStyle={{ backgroundColor: "#f1f1f1" }}
// Custom Pagination with Animation
  customReanimatedStyle={(progress, index) => {
    return {
      transform: [{
        scale: interpolate(progress.value, 
          [index - 1, index, index + 1], 
          [0.8, 1, 0.8]

6. Improved Web Support

Better handling of window size changes in browser environments and enhanced web compatibility.

Technical Improvements

  • Improved performance with reduced rendering work
  • Better handling of pointer events in ItemLayout component
  • Fixed parallax layout compatibility with the new architecture
  • Enhanced type definitions and exported TAnimationStyle type
  • Fixed issues with spring animations and gesture handling
  • Improved behavior for non-controlled components

Breaking Changes in Behavior

Default Index Handling

The defaultIndex prop behavior has changed:

// Before (v3.x) - defaultIndex changes would reset the carousel
<Carousel defaultIndex={index} />
// After (v4.x) - subsequent defaultIndex changes are ignored
// Use controlled mode if you need to programmatically change the index
  defaultIndex={index} // Only initial value is considered

Migration Steps

  1. Update Dependencies

    • Ensure all peer dependencies meet the minimum version requirements
    • Update react-native-reanimated-carousel to version 4.x
  2. Update Gesture Handling

    • Replace all instances of panGestureHandlerProps with onConfigurePanGesture
    • Update gesture configurations to use the new worklet-based API
  3. Update Event Handlers

    • Rename onScrollBegin to onScrollStart
    • Update any code relying on these event callbacks
  4. Review Animation Code

    • Update custom animations to handle the new index parameter if needed
    • Test all custom animations with the new API
  5. Optional Enhancements

    • Consider using the new containerStyle prop for better styling control
    • Implement minScrollDistancePerSwipe if needed
    • Evaluate if fixedDirection would improve your carousel behavior
  6. Migrate Pagination

    • If using custom pagination, migrate to the new Pagination components
    • Verify behavior with defaultIndex if using it
  7. Verify Web Compatibility

    • Test in browser environments to ensure smooth web compatibility
    • Update type definitions if needed
    • Test pointer event handling in custom implementations

Example Migration

Here's a complete example showing the migration of a typical carousel implementation:

// Before (v3.x)
  onScrollBegin={() => console.log('scroll started')}
    activeOffsetX: [-10, 10]
  customAnimation={(value) => ({
    opacity: value
// After (v4.x)
  onScrollStart={() => console.log('scroll started')}
  onConfigurePanGesture={(gesture) => {
    gesture.activeOffsetX([-10, 10]);
  customAnimation={(value, index) => ({
    opacity: value
    borderRadius: 8